Alder King Chinook Salmon regular, black peppered, lemon pepper, candied, Steelhead, Blue Back Sockeye, vacuum packed 32$#. Stevenson Washington!

Wild Columbia Salmon smokes our salmon at our retail stand stop by get it fresh of the racks hot, we give away bellies, back bones, and wing’s for free when available or when a customer’s buy’s a whole salmon.

We smoke our salmon on location, currently we are looking to up grade this process and build a Food Processing Facility to smoke and process our salmon up to FDA code. I’ve smoked fish on this river here for many year’s, I first started with a good friend Frank Sutherlick “One Feather” done in Ft Rain’s mostly on weekend’s. I always enjoyed my time by a smoker the children come up and quality test the salmon friend’s visitor’s all come when they see the smoke coming out of one of these custom made smoke houses. The best time for free samples is after 3pm when the bellies and back bones start to get done first. It’s nice to see visitor’s from traveling on the road stop by and get some free samples, the genuine great fullness is so nice to see in people. People traveling Indian way is to help, not to set up tourist traps when they are tired and hungry children are cranky and everyone is a little unsettled until they get some smoke salmon, first is the quietness the then oh this is good, and then a big thank you. Over time during the summer I put on so much weight, when I’m generous with the smoke salmon people bring me all kinds of food, “I love it” but my belie grows so big like a bear. It’s truly not what I need to be eating so much, but it’s nice when I do something so kind that people think of me and bring back gift’s laughter and talk I do enjoy this and makes me feel very blessed, this smoker has given me this life. When I first hire a employee I tell them one day at Walmart someone is going to walk up and thank you for the free samples you gave them, I want this for you if you work for me, it’s a gift of life for people to be thankful and kind to us. We work hard at this and take a lot of pride in our product, and giving the bones away is a gift of life to the spirit. I enjoy the back by the smoker, listening to music helping the ladies when they need us, not letting them chop wood is funny, there not suppose to we are not lazy men we chop the wood and get it, the ladies all have helped me cut fire wood. I do hope we up grade and get into a facility so I can do the Internet sales, provide our smoke salmon here on the Columbia Gorge and anywhere in the USA is our goal. The food processing facility is what’s next in the growth of Wild Columbia Salmon,,,, fish on Friend’s

4 thoughts on “Alder King Chinook Salmon regular, black peppered, lemon pepper, candied, Steelhead, Blue Back Sockeye, vacuum packed 32$#. Stevenson Washington!

  1. Is it possible to order and have sent to me in Tennessee? Out you way last year and cant kick the hangry feeling.

  2. Hi I love smoked Columbia Salmon and interested to chat with you regarding your business. Did you upgrade this process and built a Food Processing Facility. if so I’m looking forward to work together and import your products abroad . let me know if you like to expand.

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